Relationship between Sister and Brother is one of the tightest relations. India specializes a day to celebrate this relation.
“Raksha Bandhan” or simply Rakhi, the word “Raksha” means protection, while “Bandhan” is the verb to tie. Rakhi is a Hindu festival, celebrated in many parts of the Indian subcontinent, notably India and Nepal. Raksha Bandhan means “bond of protection”. It is observed on the full moon day of the Hindu luni-solar calendar month of “Shravana”, which typically falls in Gregorian calendar month of August. The day has been fully dedicated to the relation of brother and sisters. The home is decorated and full of Joy and Happiness.
Celebration of “Raksha Bandhan” starts by tying up Rakhi band to brother hand and brother will gift something for her sister. Always sister will pray to god to give wealth, health and happiness for her brother. At the time of celebrations, brother will make a promise for her sister that he will be beside of her till the end of their lives as a protecting layer. The festival is also an occasion to celebrate brother-sister like family ties between cousins or distant family members.