venue: : Feria de Madrid.  Madrid, Spain
organized by: IFEMA – FEPEX.
Cycle: every year
 1,500 companies from more than 120 countries will be presenting their products to retail and food service professionals
We FRUIT LINK Company are happy to invite you  for the 3-day exhibition Fruit attraction conducted by our company FRUIT LINK exports the finest types of vegetables and fruits.

It will show many sectors of the fruit and vegetables industrial indices, such as Fresh Produce Area where Fruit Link the fresh produce exporter- deals with and supply the world with the fresh fruits and vegetables according to The Egyptian Products’ Calendar

The main aim behind conducting such an exhibition is to portray our upcoming projects so that people can gain utmost benefit out of it. Also the exhibition will help people and companies interact with each other.

Fruit attraction is the right choice to develop export  networking platform
So, don’t hesitate to contact us to make fruitful business.