at the end of a difficult season of Egyptian Citrus , Marketing team of Fruit Link has arranged Season’s report which stated that Egypt rank hold on sixth position among the biggest producer and exporters of Citrus around the world however the expectation of our production team of increasing the production with ratio of 10-20 % has became a real fact according to world records of Citrus productions in Egypt ..
from other side , the article shows that Saudi Arabia , Russia , Ukraine and UAE still in the top list of biggest citrus importers from Egypt as per last season while Malaysian, Indonesian , Bangladesh and Indian Markets stated a good record in importing the Egyptian Citrus during the last 2 seasons which a good pointer for investing growth at mentioned markets..
however the competition with other origins of Citrus such is very big with Turkey, Spain, Morocco, USA, China, Australia and Argentina also put up hefty competition. but, Egypt continues to look for new markets. According to Egypt, export rates aren’t the only obstacle. Other factors are at play.
Fruit Link Products continues to be from the leading brands in the Asian , Russian , African and European Markets due to our success in supplying the best quality against the most competitive offers at target markets which achieving our target plan before season start ..
examples of new markets which we aimed to lead it : Mumbai , Dhaka , Kuala Lumpor , Dakar , Nairobi , Kazakhstan , Poti, Kiev , Constansa and others from new markets who are happy with our products quality and prices ..
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