Russia: 40 billion rubles of additional support annually


Russia: 40 billion rubles of additional support annually for the domestic agriculture development

Russian Government is to allocate at least 40 billion rubles of additional support annually for the domestic agriculture development, – Minister of agriculture Nickolay Fedorov informed.

Mr. Fedorov reminded that 487 billion rubles of the federal budget were allocated to implement the previous Government Program of the agriculture development 2008-2012, while 1.51 trillion rubles are to be allocated for the new Program 2013-2020.

“As we have added 42 billion rubles this year, we are going to add at least about 40 billion rubles within each of the next 8 years from 2013 till 2020” – said the Minister of Agriculture . Thus, the industry will receive about extra 320 billion rubles within 8 years.

Mr. Fedorov pointed out, that such an agreement was already reached with the country’s leadership. It turns out, that instead of 97 billion rubles annually in the past 5 years – at least 200 billion rubles of the federal budget were allocated for the agricultural development in the coming years, – Minister counted.

Editor: Basem Sobhy