Cold weather is giving more advantages for Egyptian Citrus

Navel 72 Counts

Regarding to current Weather in Egypt which is cloudy at day time ( 14 C )  and cold during the night (3-6 C )which means citrus will be keep long shelf life more than 60 days and completing full coloration according to this weather.

Packing team of Fruit link is assuring for highest quality of Navel Orange due to current  cold weather While excepting to be in high price according to upcoming Christmas Holiday.


While the first Crop of Oranges in Egypt is called Navel Oranges, they are the earliest maturing of orange varieties, producing seedless fruit of larger size than most others, with deep orange easily peeled rinds and a sweet and pleasant flavor.


Navel oranges are seedless. Excellent for fresh eating but does not have good juicing characters.
Considered to be world’s finest orange for fresh eating! Very sweet and naturally juicy, of course peel and segment very easily to complement fresh eating.